With Bagnon, your 5 bags is merged into 1 bag! This little AddOn also support search in your bag, it colors your items (common, uncommon, rare etc.) and some other features. While collecting gold, outbids, items and expired auctions, Postal count the gold and prints how much you earned! Postal will save you great amount of time at the mailbox! When having to deal with 300 mails a day, it is nice to get things automized and calculated for you. When you get to know this AddOn, it will be a nobrainer to make gold! If you are serious about making gold, you'll need this AddOn! It got tons, and tons of great features for making it so easy and effective to make gold on the Auction House.

Thought I would share some of my Auctioneer tricks, tips and maybe even call it a guide.

Haven't been playing WoW a good year, and just finally came back.