You simply have to get an understanding of the basics before you can “have a go”. Learn to scratch with Digital DJ Tips: The All-New Scratching For Controller DJs It’s just how watching somebody playing the piano and then trying it for yourself would be a challenging way to learn, or just how listening to someone speak another language then “having a go” would be likely to lead nowhere! The truth is that without knowing the foundation scratches and fader movements, you’ll never be able to just watch and copy. The worst bit is, the DJ who did this probably doesn’t even realise how off the mark it is. Here is an anonymous, classic example of a DJ who has clearly seen scratching, worked hard to understand exactly what’s going on – but who is mimicking without any understanding whatsoever about what it’s really about, and therefore whose results are poor: Just because your hands are making the same movements, it doesn’t sound the same – and worse, you don’t understand enough about scratching to be able to hear the difference yet in your own attempts. The problem is, when you’re a beginner, you literally simply don’t know what you don’t know. It can’t be that hard, right? You watch videos of your heroes scratching, and have a go, you work out where to put your hand on the platter or jogwheel, and study how scratch DJs move their crossfaders.

It’s important you identify and fix these: If you continue to make these mistakes, you simply won’t improve (or at least, nowhere near as fast as you could) – and you’ll more than likely end up abandoning your dreams to learn to scratch.

In this article, based on the 45-minute live online workshop embedded above, I talk you through five of them… and give you pointers to help you avoid them. We’ve taught hundreds of beginner DJs to scratch over the years, and we’ve identified the big mistakes beginner scratch DJs make over and over again.