It spread from there, and it passes from the infected player to all other players in the game with said infected player. The glitch originated with the modding community and may or may not have been accidental. If you try to load another character, dashboard, restart your xbox, etc, your save data is completely gone and there is no hope of recovering it at that point, as it is renamed graveyard.sav and is missing the majority of the data it once had. When you get hit by the glitch that turns your save into graveyard.sav, upon entering FFYL and then subsequently dying for whatever reason, you will never respawn. What is graveyard.sav? What does this have to do with me?

Here is a post from GameFAQs (which is currently down) that the Better Gaming Bureau pulled: Gearbox has not released any statements on this problem yet. It is unknown if this is a malicious attack or simply a glitch. So, if you see that your savefile for Borderlands 2 is called, "Graveyard.sav," your only option is either delete the file and start the game over or send your save file off to a member of the modding communities. As of right now, the only folks that seem to be infected are Xbox 360 and PC players. This save file denies respawning of characters and cannot be remedied currently. If you play Borderlands 2 with random folks, you are increasing the risk of an infection of your Borderlands 2 save file.

This is a warning that has been running around the internet today.